The Dutch Times

Created by jokevanheek 11 years ago
Dear Gerald and children, As it is not common in Holland to send an arbituary by mail, it took me some time to let this news sink in and sat behind my computer for a while; so many images of you and Joan passed by in my mind as a wonderful film. You, Gerald, as a professor at the I.T.C. here in Enschede and Joan taking an active part in the I.N.G. ( the international neighbour group); a group of the wives or partners of the students. Every week we arranged something. An outing by bus through Holland, dutch cooking lessons, languages. Joan was always present, cheerful and capable of handling any sort of awkward situation or misunderstanding as we were with 70 nationalities, often not able to understand each other... The best part was the friendship between you two and Bernard and I; I remember so wel the beautiful and welcome stay with you in Kingston; after a belated landing from Vancouver we rushed to a performance of a great singer standing on top of a castle, but not before we had a cold lunch sitting in the back of the car: cold chicken with white wine, servets and a red and white tablecloth on our knees as he time for a picknick had passed by! So many good memories... I went with Joan to an art galery nearby Deventer and she fell for a small dancing figure made in bronze, of course it appealed to her. I also recognized the resemblance between her and the spirit of the statue. Let us all remember Joan as the warm gifted person she was in so may different ways. Lots of love, Joke ( van Heek)