philosophy of Time, as developed by Joan

Created by the McGrath family 11 years ago
Time was a philosophical fascination of hers, and she tried to tame it by having a system of categorizing activities in her life. She would talk about "ROS...SA...A1", meaning: ROS--> Running on the Spot (those more mundane, routine and pedestrian activities that had to be done, which give you no real sense of accomplishment but required a huge outlay of effort just to get you back to where you started from... in her view, such things as cooking, washing dishes, doing the laundry etc!!! She was often intensely annoyed with these, as she wanted to get on to more meaningful uses of her precious Time!!) SA--> Slightly Ahead (those activities that were one step up from ROS, which left you with a reasonable sense of accomplishment...for example, vacuuming as you can see the difference or dusting because there was a small glow of satisfaction) A1--> the absolute pinnacle...the FIRST letter in the alphabet and the FIRST letter in numbers... what she would strive for,w as these were accomplishments which stayed done and gave her a feeling of real satisfaction... in her view, spending time on her artwork, going for a sail, hike or playing tennis, writing Granny in Scotland, gardening etc. This was her way of taming the beast. Time featured so prominently in poems that she wrote and in often deep and philosophical talks she had with us. As she wrote, "the raison d'ĂȘtre was to put salt on the fluffy tail of Time; capture it, and make yourself the Master..."